Technology at Amago Audio

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For decades, research has suggested that while humans cannot hear pure tones beyond 20 KHz, they can discern timing resolutions down to 6 microseconds, which translates into a bandwidth of 167 KHz.


This remarkable human capability highlights the importance of high bandwidth in capturing audio with precise timing information. insert link for Yahama Group paper here.


Most analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) used in audio applications are of sigma-delta topology, with anti-aliasing filters typically set to 20 KHz.

System Bandwidth Degradation

Changing the sampling rate from 48 KHz to 192 KHz does not affect this anti-aliasing filter, which remains fixed. This can cause bandwidth error accumulation in the audio chain. If your microphone has a bandwidth of 20 KHz and your anti-aliasing filter is also 20 KHz, your overall system bandwidth drops to around 14 KHz due to cascading bandwidth limitations.


Rise time measures how fast your output changes in response to a fast step input. A higher bandwidth device has a faster rise time.

Rise Time and Smearing

At Amago Audio, our microphones have a rise time of approximately 8.75 microseconds, which is twice as fast as most other microphones. This rapid response is crucial because real-world sounds are complex impulse waveforms with attack, decay, and release phases. A high-bandwidth microphone reacts quickly to the attack and recovers swiftly, preventing smearing when multiple impulses occur in rapid succession.

High Dynamic Range

Amago Audio microphones offer a distortion-free dynamic range from 16 dBA up to 145 dB SPL and beyond, depending on the model. This extensive range ensures high-resolution sound capture, making our microphones ideal for recording a wide array of instruments, from the quietest to the loudest

Phase Linearity

Our ultra-high bandwidth and transparent acoustic designs, which avoid grills and windscreens, enable us to achieve a smooth and highly linear phase response.

This linearity is critical for avoiding phase distortion and frequency smearing, ensuring accurate and clear sound capture.

Transparent Acoustic Design

In microphone acoustic design, protection grills can cause issues like comb filtering and oscillations, impacting measurement accuracy and sound quality.

Amago Audio addresses this by incorporating the capsules directly into the microphone casing and using a fine, transparent stainless steel mesh for protection, which avoids external casings and prevents unwanted reflections and phase cancellations.

Phase Linearty

In microphone acoustic design, protection grills can cause issues like comb filtering and oscillations, impacting measurement accuracy and sound quality. This linearity is critical for avoiding phase distortion and frequency smearing, ensuring accurate and clear sound capture.

Transparent Acoustic Design

Our ultra-high bandwidth and transparent acoustic designs, which avoid grills and windscreens, enable us to achieve a smooth and highly linear phase response. Amago Audio addresses this by incorporating the capsules directly into the microphone casing and using a fine, transparent stainless steel mesh for protection, which avoids external casings and prevents unwanted reflections and phase cancellations.

Impulse Response

The impulse response test reveals imperfections missed by frequency response plots. The O40 microphone has faster rise and fall times than traditional 20 KHz microphones with protection grills, which suffer from trailing oscillations and time smearing due to grill reflections.


We offer a three-year warranty with on-site product registration. Combined with our distributor's return policy, trying out our microphones is virtually risk-free!

Protection from the Elements

With robust stainless-steel construction and acoustic-grade fabric and hydrophobic foam, our microphones are designed for safe outdoor use, offering protection from the elements without compromising performance.
For more information, please visit our Contact Us page or follow us on social media.

Experience the cutting-edge technology and unmatched performance of Amago Audio microphones today!

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